Nathan, first apologies for somewhat hijacking your thread, but I believe my question to be very related.

Nathan's Scenario 1 is the one we're effectively employing (or in the process of setting up). Rather than 1 Index To Rule Them All, I have decided to partition the index structure. Users tend to focus on a Project concept at a time, and within each Project, they have Documents and Mail (and some other types we'll eventually index, we call them 'entities' to be generic). So I am creating an Index for each Project-Entity. We should still be able to search across all entities for a given project (or even for all) by using MultiSearcher. However I believed it would be faster to have separate indices (much smaller index to search).

Otis (and anyone else), are you suggesting this design is not something we should employ?

Nathan's point about pooling Searchers is something that we also addressed by a LRU cache mechanism. In testing we also found that there was an upper limit on the number of IndexSearchers that can be open at one time, and so I can see why he suffered OOM with creating temporary searchers for those requests outside the current pool-set. However his 2nd point is interesting that creating a new index each time eventually suffered OutOfMemory (even though he's closing them) is a worry. Is this because an IndexSearcher can be closed, but the underlying IndexReader is not automatically closed?

Appreciate any thoughts on this. I'd rather know now while I have the opportunity to change the design than later when in production.. :)


Paul Smith

On 09/07/2005, at 5:39 AM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:


3) is the recommended usage.
Your index is on an NFS share, which means you are searching it over
the network.  Make it local, and you should see performance
improvements.  Local or remove, it makes sense that searches take
longer to execute, and the load goes up.  Yes, it shouldn't deadlock.
You shouldn't need to synchronize access to IndexSearcher.
When your JVM locks up next time, kill it, get the thread dump, and
send it to the list, so we can try to remove the bottleneck, if that's

How many queries/second do you run, and what kinds of queries are they,
how big is your index and what kind of hardware (disks, RAM, CPU) are
you using?


--- Nathan Brackett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey all,

We're looking to use Lucene as the back end to our website and we're
into an unusual deadlocking problem.

For testing purposes, we're just running one web server (threaded
environment) against an index mounted on an NFS share. This machine
searches only against this index so it's not being touched. We have
tried a
few different models so far:

1) Pooling IndexSearcher objects: Occasionally we would run into
problems as we would not block if a request came through and all
IndexSearchers were already checked out, we would just create a
one and then dispose of it once it was returned to the pool.

2) Create a new IndexSearcher each time: Every request to search
create an IndexSearcher object. This quickly gave OutOfMemory errors,
when we would close them out directly after.

3) Use a global IndexSearcher: This is the model we're working with
now. The
model holds up fine under low-moderate load and is, in fact, much
faster at
searching (probably due to some caching mechanism). Under heavy load
the CPU will spike up to 99% and never come back down until we kill
-9 the
process. Also, as you ramp the load, we've discovered that search
times go
up as well. Searches will generally come back after 40ms, but as the
goes up the searches don't come back for up to 20 seconds.

We've been attempting to find where the problem is for the last week
with no
luck. Our index is optimized, so there is only one file. Do we need
synchronize access to the global IndexSearcher so that only one
search can
run at a time? That poses a bit of a problem as if a particular
search takes
a long time, all others will wait. This problem does not look like an
OutOrMemory error because the memory usage when the spike occurs is
in the range of 150meg used with a ceiling of 650meg. Anyone else
experiencing any problems like this or have any idea where we should
looking? Thanks.

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