I was wondering how Lucene's phrase query would work in case of n-gram
indexing. There are two scenarios for popsition increments while adding
the index for n-grams. For example consider tri-grams of "united states
of america".
Scenario 1:
Index position     token
0                  "united"
1                  "states", "united states"
2                  "of", "states of", "united states of"
3                  "america", "of america", "states of america"
Scenario 2:
Index position    token
0                 "united", "united states", "united states of"
1                 "states", "states of", "states of america"
2                 "of", "of america"
3                 "america"
Does Lucene's performance(fail to match) degrade if I choose one over
Rajesh Munavalli

-----Original Message-----
From: Sebastian Marius Kirsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 12:45 PM
To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: n-gram indexing

Hi Rajeev,

I wrote a filter for generating n-grams a while back; I intended to use
it for statistics, but I guess you can also use it for search. I also
thought of the "boosting effect" you describe when I implemented it,
though I never actually tried whether it works that way.

It's in the Lucene bugzilla section:


Let me know if you have any problems with it.

If the lucene phrase queries honour position increments correctly, they
should work out of the box with my code. (My code adds the unigram first
with a position increment of 1, and then all n-grams starting with that
unigram with an increment of 0.) Just make sure you use the same
Analyzer for the queries as you do for the indexing, so that n-grams are
added to the query as well.

As regards the suggestion to rather use a very sloppy phrase or span
query: I expect this approach to be faster, as it would only use
TermQuery/BooleanQuery. You basically trade index size for search speed.

If you get this to work with phrase queries, please add a test case
demonstrating it.

I saw something about n-gram queries in nutch, as far as I remember;
does anyone know whether nutch uses n-grams to speed up phrase queries?

Regards, Sebastian

On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 02:27:28PM -0700, Rajesh Munavalli wrote:
> At what point do I add n-grams? Does the order in which I add n-grams 
> affect exact phrase queries later? My questions are
> (1) Should I add all the 1-grams followed by 2-grams followed by 
> 3-grams..etc sentence by sentence OR
> (2) Add all the 1 grams of entire document first before starting 
> 2-grams for the entire document?

Sebastian Kirsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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