I`m currently developing a small library for easy reading/writing stuff
to and from the document. All primitives
(long,short,int,bool,byte,float,double,char) and non primitive Numbers
are supported, optionally they are compressed (a long doesn`t need 19
characters but only 2) and they are optionally lexographically and
lexographically compressed. 
I also have created a few functions that make it easy to insert text:
keywords, unstored, unindexed etc.
I would like to make this library public on a very short time (I`m
currently writing and testing it) and I`m wondering what is the best way
to add/give it to Lucene.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Peter Veentjer
Anchor Men Interactive Solutions - duidelijk in zakelijke

Praediniussingel 41
9711 AE Groningen

T: 050-3115222
F: 050-5891696
I : www.anchormen.nl <blocked::http://www.anchormen.nl/> 


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