At 8:01 PM -0700 9/8/05, Chris Hostetter wrote:
>: Which makes me wonder whether the caching logic of Hits, optimized for
>: random- rather than linear-access, and not tuneable or controllable in
>: 1.4.3, should be reviewed for a subsequent release, at least the
>: API-breaking 2.0.  I'll wager that a majority of applications do nothing
>: other than a one-time linear retrieval of Documents from Hits, with the
>: potential for a lot of wasted cycles for those that retrieve more than a
>: small number.
>I agree it should be more tunable, but I disagree with your wager.  I
>suspect that there are a lot of stateless applications out there that
>support "paginated results".  For those that only every access one or two
>pages and have small page size, the current Hits works well (and i suspect
>that is what it was optimized for)

Well, perhaps you're right... after looking at the source more closely, I take 
back my critique of Hits, which arose within a context in which my problem is 
not perfectly matched to the problems Hits tries to solve, which is probably 
the more common.

That is, I've integrated Lucene searching into an existing app with its own 
pagination caching mechanism.  So to essentially defeat Hits' caching, I pull a 
large chunk of hits into the external cache.  On reviewing the source I see 
that this has a negative impact on efficiency:  Either the caching mechanism of 
Hits should be utilized for small chunks of Documents as it was intended, or 
else Hits should be bypassed entirely in favor of the external caching 
mechanism, which could then use TopDocs in much the same way Hits does.  
Calling maxresult ) as I suggested in my prior email is a bandaid 
which, while improving performance, certainly doesn't optimize it.

I suspect this also applies to the situation of Richard Krenek (who started 
this illuminating thread) as well.

Of course that doesn't mean Hits is perfect as now implemented:

>What doesn't make sense to me is that the constructor allways fetches the
>first 100 -- which is a waste if the application is currently intersted in
>results 101 and up.

Very much agreed.

>Off the top of my head, I would imagine that a usefull set of API changes
>would be...
> * add Hits.setRetrievalFactor(float); // replace "2" in getMoreDocs
> * add Hits.setDocCacheSize(int); // modify Hits.maxDocs

These two certainly make a lot of sense.  And perhaps setDocCache(0) can defeat 
Document caching for applications that don't need (or want) Hits to hold hard 
references to large Documents, or to waste time maintaining LRU state.

> * make Hits.getMoreDocs(int) package protected
> * add Searcher.makeHits(Query,Filter,Sort); // use in search, override in 
> subclasses

Interesting thought.  Hits is now final, which I assume is for efficiency.  And 
getMoreDocs has a lot of fundamental logic in it, not a target for a simple 
subclass override.  On the other hand, while the tuning parameters would 
probably be sufficient to address many concerns with Hits, this would probably 
address those for which they don't.

> * move the call to getMoreDocs(int) from Hits to

Hmm... Hits is passed to the caller and works as a standalone cache.  While it 
maintains a reference to the Searcher, it only uses that to resolve Documents 
upon misses.  Perhaps the current separation of concerns is actually more 

However, top-score normalization is left to the caller (Hits or external client 
of IndexSearcher), rather than a concern of TopDocs, where it would IMO be more 
appropriate, and greatly simplify the use of the TopDocs-returning 
IndexSearcher methods.  A TopDocs consumer shouldn't have to copy normalization 
code from Hits.

>...that way the behavior stays the same, there are no major API changes,
>and applications that want to customize the amount of caching/prefecthing
>can do so my subclassing (Index)Searcher with some very simple method

Yes, makes sense not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Thanks for your insights (and also to Yonick Seeley).

- J.J.

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