I store an Index (not part of Lucene) object w/ the Lucene index that
contains a bunch of metadata about the index, one being the name of the
Analyzer used (other things include the language of the Index, which
field contains a unique document identifier (not the internal Lucene
id), etc.  Then at search time, I just get an new instance of that
Analyzer and pass it to the query parser and do my searches.  Then you
just need a mechanism for managing your Index, which is pretty
straightforward (hash by location or something like that)

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/14/05 4:07 AM >>>
Olivier Jaquemet wrote:

> I have many indices, one for each language, each one has been indexed

> using a specific analyzer.
> I want to search in all my indices, but I still want/need to use the

> same analyzer that has been used for indexing.
> MultiSearch only accept one query, and if I use for example 
> QueryParser, I can only specify one analyzer.
> Is there a (nice) way to do a multi search using as much analyzer as

> there are indices we are searching in?

Sorry to insist but I really could not find any information on the 
subject either on the FAQ or on the Mailing List, so if you've got some

more information or suggestion about that, that would be really nice

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