Thank you all for the responses.
 I'll try to work around this. 

 On 9/15/05, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> : : I wasn't expect addDocument to close it.
> : : I am wondering if there is a reason that rdr should be
> : : closed after addDocument, and if there is a way to leave it open ?
> : What stops you from using the reader before you add the document to the
> : index?
> That doesn't really help people who want to use the same reader for two
> different fields (ie: with different analyzers)
> I've never accutally used a Field based on a Reader, so it's never occured
> to me to wonder who is responsible for closeing the reader -- I agree,
> it's strange, and not what i would have expected either.
> Looking at the code, it seems really hairy. I can't see any actual
> garuntee that any Reader (including the StringReaders opened under the
> cover when you make a Field using a string) will/won't be closed -- if you
> use an Analyzer that comes with Lucene, they all seem to use the Tokenizer
> class (in one way or another) and *it* is what closes the Reader when it
> gets .close()ed -- but there is no reason to believe that any existing of
> future third party analyzer will use that class, the API just requires
> that they provide a TokenStream (the superclass). TokenStream's .close()
> is abstract, so people are free to write Analyzers that don't close the
> Reader's they get.
> I can't think of any clean way to change this without causing lots of
> backwards compatibility problems for lots of people.
> : -----Original Message-----
> : From: Beady Geraghty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> : Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 2:30 AM
> : To:
> : Subject: input reader closed after IndexWriter.addDocument(doc)
> :
> : am new to Lucene. I don't seem to be able to find the answer to my
> : question
> : from the archive. I hope to get some help with my problem.
> : I have :
> : Document doc = new Document();
> : doc.add( Field.Text( "contents", rdr );
> : myIndexWriter.addDocument( doc );
> : After this point, it appears that rdr is closed.
> : What happens is that I want to subsequently
> : use the rdr again by positioning back to the beginning
> : of the file, and since I opened the rdr (input stream),
> : Thank you.
> :
> :
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> -Hoss

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