Eric Louvard wrote:
my problem is that IndexWriter.optimize() take 20 minutes. OK it is not a lot of time, but I can't allow me to block the system such a long time :-(.

If you're worried about blocking, queue changes to the index and have a separate thread which processes the queue, adding and deleting documents. If your index changes frequently then don't bother optimizing, rather simply use mergeFactor=2 to minimize the number of segments searched and a large minMergeDocs (~1000). Optimizing is good for indexes which change only seldom. Large mergeFactors are good for batch indexing, when optimization will be performed at the end, but create too many segments for efficient search.

So, best practices for fast indexing and search:

Increase minMergeDocs to proportional to the number of documents you can store in the Java heap. 1000 is usually safe with a 100Mb heap and typical document lengths.

When batch-building, use mergeFactor=50, and optimize index at the end.

With rapidly changing index, use mergeFactor=2 to minimize the number of segments. Do not optimize. Queue index updates and process queue in a separate thread. Queue processing should look something like:
    - open IndexReader;
    - process all queued document deletions;
    - close IndexReader;
    - open IndexWriter;
    - set mergeFactor=2;
    - process all queued document additions;
    - close IndexWriter;
    - publish new IndexSearcher
    - sleep one minute

Such a system will be able to handle thousands of changes per minute, publishing a new index nearly every minute in most cases. Ocassionally it will take longer, as large segments are merged.


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