So here comes the next part of my applet ignorance.

Can I embed the Lucene, etc, jar files in my applet so that when the
user starts up the applet, they can be used on the local machine.

This alone probably stops me from using an applet, I guess.

Anyone have any idea where the definitive rules of what an applet can or
can not do are located on the 'net?


Personally, I would still avoid the applets. Webstart is a much better solution if you want to run on the client rather than the server.

You will may have to sign your jar files for webstart to get permission to use the file system - but self-signing works if you don't have a certificate - the users just get an annoying dialog box they have to say "yes" to. You could put the entire lucene index into a jar file (that will get downloaded by webstart along with your application)

When your app starts up, it would extract the lucene index from the jar file to the users temp folder, and then run.

This has a bandwidth advantage over the applet - your entire application and the index would be cached on the client machine by webstart - it would only download a new image of your app or of the index when it changes.

Actually, you may even be able to get away with not signing the code if you figured out a way to extract a lucene index from a jar file, and put it directly into a RAM directory, instead of the local file system. I'm pretty sure Lucene doesn't support anything like this right now, but it may not be that difficult to implement.


Daniel Armbrust
Biomedical Informatics
Mayo Clinic Rochester

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