I have user entered search commands which I want to convert to SpanQueries. I have seen in the book "Lucene in Action" that no parser existed at time of publication, but there was someone working on a SpanQuery parser. Can anyone point me to that code, or provide any suggestions?

I want to use SpanQueries for their detail on the number of hits from a query, and more importantly, the location (position start and end) of each hit. My application requires me to do precise hit highlighting. I also need to perform calculations on the number of hits per document, as well as per query (sum of document hits).

It is fairly critical I highlight the hits, and only the hits. From what I've read SpanQueries (with dumpSpans) is a better approach than using 'regular' queries. I _think_ regular queries currently use a highlighter which shows all terms highlighted. This can give more highlighting than actual hits (i.e false positives).

So, that being said, should I stick with SpanQueries? Is there any current work on a parser to convert a string, or regular (Token, Boolean, Phrase, Prefix,...) query into a SpanQuery?

I have written some very duct tape-ish code which will convert basic booleanOR and prefix queries into SpanQueries. I just realized I'm in deeper water than I expected when I tried converting my first query string containing several boolean queries, AND a phrase query. So now I am looking to either help an existing effort, or just continue with my own hacking.

ps: some of this message is repeated from previous postings just as background for my goal.

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