
A final method is not meant to be overridden.
Why do you want to inherit IndexReader as your first shot at Lucene and
java? Could it be that you've missed the factory method 'open' ?
If you are new both to java and to Lucene, I recommend that you get a book,
such as "Lucene in Action".

Good Luck,
Oren Shir

On 11/25/05, Malcolm Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not that experienced with Java and am attempting to implement the
> commit method for the IndexReader for the application I'm developing.
> I am trying to extend the IndexReader class but it wont let me! Should I
> extend something else as I can't see anything in the api to suggest using?
> My class is this:
> public abstract class commitDelete extends IndexReader {
> protected final void commitIndex() {
> try{
>     super.commit();
> }(IOException e){}
>    }
> }
> Incidentally if I close the index does this commit anyway?
> Please help as I'm stumped.
> thanks in advance,
> Malcolm Clark

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