If you look at the man page for 'ps' you'll see a switch that shows
all the threads too (it's different on different unix flavours, so
best to do look in the man page).
Once you've shown the threads in 'ps' you'll see that the process
that is appearing in top, and I'll bet it's parent is your original
java process.
I wouldn't panic, each thread is almost certainly sharing the same
memory pool, so while top reports that the thread has X Mb of memory,
it's really the same physical block as all the others.
You see this all the time in a Tomcat app server box, where each Http
Connector is a thread, and appears as it's own process.
Paul Smith
On 17/01/2006, at 7:11 AM, Aigner, Thomas wrote:
Hi all,
Is anyone experiencing possible memory problems on LINUX with
Lucene search? Here is our scenario, we have a service that lives on
LINUX that takes all incoming request through a port and does the
search. Only 1 IndexSearcher is instantiated to do this from our
service. When I run a ps and grep for java it shows only 1 java
running.. however, when 4 users log into our program and start to
at the same time, 4 java processes show up on TOP (and I can't see
parent PID from the top command), but still only 1 java on ps.
My company fears that each process is being allocated 128M
memory and is running the box out of memory (when the service is
we allocated 10 - 128M from the java call). I am still in the process
of testing with our system guys and having the data analyzed with a
party, but was curious as to your findings..
Thanks ahead of time,
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