: 1] Why do use BitSet Class ?
: 2] Is it required in Filtering / Sorting of results or to Index ?

BitSet is a usefull class for lots of things.  the only time (that i know
of) where it is part of the public lucene API is in the interaction
between a Filter and the IndexSearcher ... so unless you are writting your
own Filters, no it's not required that you use a BitSet.

: 3] What do you means by Inverted Index ?

That's a pretty broad question... start with googling for the expression
and see if the info you find helps you understand the concept.

: 4] Can we give limit to no. of hits returned by Searcher.

Searchers score documents in doc id order ... so you don't really want a
way to limit the searcher.  what you want is a way to only get the first N
results once hte searcher has scored them all and ordered them by score.
doesn't that is just a matter of stopping at N when you iterate over a
Hits object.


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