You search all four servers by doing this (the QueryParser in this
example uses the Lucene 1.9 syntax):


Searchable[] searchables = new Searchable[]{(Searchable)
Naming.lookup(x1), (Searchable) Naming.lookup(x2), ...};

MultiSearcher multiSearcher = new MultiSearcher(searchables);

Hits hits = QueryParser("title", new





From: Vikas Khengare [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: den 2 februari 2006 06:30
Subject: Sending query to multiple servers and combine all Hits from
them ?


Hi Friends.......


        I am doing search application which has following scenario.


Architecture ==>

1] Common GUI

2] When user enter one query then It should go to 4 searcher server (All
servers are on remote machines)

3] After searching all 4 server should return results i.e. Hits ( All
server return hits objects in diff formats i.e. all 4 servers return hit
doc's in diff formats)

4] Combine all Hits and form only type of result

5] Show that result in Uniform way to user


Problems ==>

1] How do I send my search query to all 4 searcher server. ?

2] After searching How do I get all result (Hits) for combining them in
one bundle; Because they all are in different format. ?

3] Shall I use AJAX for sending query across multiple server and getting
results back from all servers( Or any other technology, if yes specify)

4] How do I combine all hits ?






Best Regards


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