Hi Yang,

Boosting works at query time as well as index time.
If you are using the QueryParser, specify boosts like so:
title:foo^2 abstract:foo^1.5 date:mydate^3

If you are building queries pragmatically, then use the Query.setBoost() method.

That will boost relative to how a non-boosted query would score, but
keep in mind that you still have tf/idf factors in the score.  If you
need to get rid of the tf/idf factors, either write your own
ScoreDocComparator, or use a FunctionQuery.

http://incubator.apache.org/solr Solr, The Open Source Lucene Search Server

On 3/8/06, Yang Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wondering how I can rank search result by a combination of fields. I
> know there is a multi-field sort, but it is just a sorting method. It is
> sorted by the first field and then the second field ...
> What I need is a weighted combination. For example, I want to assign a
> weight of 2 to title match, 1.5 to abstract match, and 3 to date match (i.e.
> How close the last modified date). The final score will be
> 2*inTitle+1.5*inAbstract+3*date instead of sorting by date and then sorting
> by title within the same date.
> I checked lucene Score, Similarity, and SortDocComparator and can't find an
> answer. Implements the SortDocComparator seems the closest, but it can only
> sort the result by one field. The Field boost does not work because the
> boosting factor has to be set during index time. What I need is setting the
> weight at query time.
> Please help. Thanks.
> Yang

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