thank you Erik

2006/3/12, Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mar 12, 2006, at 1:27 AM, wu fox wrote:
> > Hi:
> >   I have tow indices A and B. Field "title" is in index A and field
> > "label "
> > is in B.Now I'd like to search with query "title:XXX AND
> > label:XXX",surely I
> > expect search "title:XXX " in index A and "label:XXX" in index B.Is
> > there
> > any Lucene API can help me to do this or I have to write some code by
> > myself?thank you in advance
> Are indexes A and B completely different sets of logical documents?
> Or are the indices parallel such that first document in A represents
> a piece of the first document in B?
> If they are distinct indexes, then title:XXX AND label:XXX won't work
> because no document would have both title "AND" label.  Perhaps
> logically you'd achieve what you want by using "OR" instead?   To
> search multiple distinct indexes you could use a MultiSearcher.
> If they are parallel indexes, using a ParallelReader within an
> IndexSearcher may be what you're after in which case the "AND" would
> work as you mentioned.
>        Erik
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