PhraseQuery needs terms that match what got indexed, simple as that. QueryParser does this for you by using the specified analyzer on the "phrase text" within double quotes and creating a PhraseQuery out of the tokens. When you're creating a PhraseQuery directly with the API, you need to be aware of how things are indexed in order to ensure that any normalization, such as lowercasing, that occurs during indexing also occurs on the text you're searching with.

Most frequently, to search without case sensitivity the text is lowercased during indexing, and also during searching. StandardAnalyzer lowercases, as do almost all analyzers you'll find in the core (except WhiteSpaceAnalyzer).


On Apr 17, 2006, at 11:33 AM, Vishal Bathija wrote:

Hi Erik,
Thanks, that seemed to have solved the problem. Can you please
elaborate on the kind of input PhraseQuery takes in. Am I supposed to
add only lowercased terms to PhraseQuery. Is it possible to search for
a phrase that is not case sensitive?


On 4/17/06, Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are the terms you're adding to PhraseQuery lowercased?  If not, then
that is most likely the issue.


On Apr 17, 2006, at 9:39 AM, Vishal Bathija wrote:

I currently use
writer = new IndexWriter("index", new StandardAnalyzer(),true);

Should I use any other analyzer. Yes I am aware that the matches are
case sensitive.


On 4/17/06, Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This could be related to the analyzer you used during indexing.  Be
aware that matches are *exact* including case.


On Apr 17, 2006, at 1:34 AM, Vishal Bathija wrote:

I am not able to retrieve the number of hits for a particular
phrase .
The code below retrieves the hits only for certain phrases. The code
snippet that I use is

rd="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My
PhraseQuery query =new PhraseQuery();
searcher = new IndexSearcher(rd);
Term[] phrTerm=new Term[phraseTerms.length];
for(int u=0; u<phraseTerms.length;u++)
  phrTerm[u]=new Term("contents",phraseTerms[u]);

System.out.println("Query"+query.toString() );
Hits hits =;
System.out.println("Number of hits :"+hits.length());

Number of hits is 0 for some phrases even though the phrase is
in some of the documents.

This retrieves the hits for certain phrases such as

"avoids deadlock" but it does not work for a phrase such as
"Prevents Data Loss"

I am not sure what the problem could be as none of these phrases
any special characters.  Do I need to use any other type of query?

Vishal Bathija
Graduate Student
Department of Computer Science & Systems Analysis
Miami University
Phone: (513)-461-9239

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Vishal Bathija
Graduate Student
Department of Computer Science & Systems Analysis
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Phone: (513)-461-9239

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Vishal Bathija
Graduate Student
Department of Computer Science & Systems Analysis
Miami University
Phone: (513)-461-9239

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