Is there maximum length to a string that is analazyed and put into a field?
IE if the String is 1 billion characters and analyzed, tokenized, and the
last word in the string only appears once at the end, would searching for
that last word against that field end with a hit for that document?

Note that I'm relatively new here, too.

But I think the answer to your question is "no", based on

public void setMaxFieldLength(int maxFieldLength)
The maximum number of terms that will be indexed for a single field in a document. This limits the amount of memory required for indexing, so that collections with very large files will not crash the indexing process by running out of memory. Note that this effectively truncates large documents, excluding from the index terms that occur further in the document. If you know your source documents are large, be sure to set this value high enough to accomodate the expected size. If you set it to Integer.MAX_VALUE, then the only limit is your memory, but you should anticipate an OutOfMemoryError.
By default, no more than 10,000 terms will be indexed for a field.

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