
I wrote a program that make a pdf document to an Lucene document. The field ate "contents", "sentence", ....:

How do i display the sentence the query String is in? and how do I Highlight the String?


anton feldmann

package de.coli.seek.lucene;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;

import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.lucene.document.DateTools;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;

import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocumentInformation;

import org.pdfbox.exceptions.CryptographyException;
import org.pdfbox.exceptions.InvalidPasswordException;

import org.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper;

public final class Sentence2Document
    private static final char FILE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("file.separator").charAt(0);

    // given caveat of increased search times when using
    //MICROSECOND, only use SECOND by default
    private DateTools.Resolution dateTimeResolution = DateTools.Resolution.SECOND;
     * accessor
     * @return current date/time resolution
    public DateTools.Resolution getDateTimeResolution()
        return dateTimeResolution;
     * mutator
     * @param resolution set new date/time resolution
    public void setDateTimeResolution( DateTools.Resolution resolution )
        dateTimeResolution = resolution;
    // compatibility methods for lucene-1.9+
    private String timeToString( long time )
        return DateTools.timeToString( time, dateTimeResolution );
    private static void addKeywordField( Document document, String name, String value )
        if ( value != null ) 
            document.add( new Field( name, value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED ) );
    private static void addTextField( Document document, String name, Reader value )
        if ( value != null ) 
            document.add( new Field( name, value ) );
    private static void addTextField( Document document, String name, String value )
        if ( value != null ) 
            document.add( new Field( name, value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED ) );
    private void addTextField( Document document, String name, Date value )
        if ( value != null ) 
            addTextField( document, name, DateTools.dateToString( value, dateTimeResolution ) );
    private void addTextField( Document document, String name, Calendar value )
        if ( value != null ) 
            addTextField( document, name, value.getTime() );
    private static void addUnindexedField( Document document, String name, String value )
        if ( value != null ) 
            document.add( new Field( name, value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NO ) );
    private static void addUnstoredKeywordField( Document document, String name, String value )
        if ( value != null ) 
            document.add( new Field( name, value, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED ) );

     * private constructor because there are only static methods.
    private Sentence2Document()
        //utility class should not be instantiated
     * This will get a lucene document from a PDF file.
     * @param is The stream to read the PDF from.
     * @return The lucene document.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error parsing or indexing the document.
    public static Document getDocument( InputStream is ) throws IOException
    	Sentence2Document converter = new Sentence2Document();
        return converter.convertDocument( is );
     * Convert the PDF stream to a lucene document.
     * @param is The input stream.
     * @return The input stream converted to a lucene document.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error converting the PDF.
    public Document convertDocument( InputStream is ) throws IOException
        Document document = new Document();
        addContent( document, is, "<inputstream>" );
        return document;
     * This will take a reference to a PDF document and create a lucene document.
     * @param file A reference to a PDF document.
     * @return The converted lucene document.
     * @throws IOException If there is an exception while converting the document.
    public Document convertDocument( File file ) throws IOException
        Document document = new Document();

        // Add the url as a field named "url".  Use an UnIndexed field, so
        // that the url is just stored with the document, but is not searchable.
        addUnindexedField( document, "path", file.getPath() );
        addUnindexedField( document, "url", file.getPath().replace(FILE_SEPARATOR, '/') );

        // Add the last modified date of the file a field named "modified".  Use a
        // Keyword field, so that it's searchable, but so that no attempt is made
        // to tokenize the field into words.
        addKeywordField( document, "modified", timeToString( file.lastModified() ) );

        String uid = file.getPath().replace(FILE_SEPARATOR,'\u0000')
                     + "\u0000" 
                     + timeToString( file.lastModified() )

        // Add the uid as a field, so that index can be incrementally maintained.
        // This field is not stored with document, it is indexed, but it is not
        // tokenized prior to indexing.
        addUnstoredKeywordField ( document, "uid", uid );

        FileInputStream input = null;
            input = new FileInputStream( file );
            addContent( document, input, file.getPath() );
            if( input != null )

        // return the document

        return document;
     * Convert the document from a PDF to a lucene document.
     * @param url A url to a PDF document.
     * @return The PDF converted to a lucene document.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error while converting the document.
    public Document convertDocument( URL url ) throws IOException
        Document document = new Document();
        URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
        // Add the url as a field named "url".  Use an UnIndexed field, so
        // that the url is just stored with the document, but is not searchable.
        addUnindexedField( document, "url", url.toExternalForm() );

        // Add the last modified date of the file a field named "modified".  Use a
        // Keyword field, so that it's searchable, but so that no attempt is made
        // to tokenize the field into words.
        addKeywordField( document, "modified", timeToString(connection.getLastModified() ) );

        String uid = url.toExternalForm().replace(FILE_SEPARATOR, '\u0000')
                     + "\u0000" 
                     + timeToString( connection.getLastModified() );

        // Add the uid as a field, so that index can be incrementally maintained.
        // This field is not stored with document, it is indexed, but it is not
        // tokenized prior to indexing.
        addUnstoredKeywordField( document, "uid", uid );

        InputStream input = null;
            input = connection.getInputStream();
            addContent( document, input,url.toExternalForm() );
            if( input != null )

        // return the document
        return document;

     * This will get a lucene document from a PDF file.
     * @param file The file to get the document for.
     * @return The lucene document.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error parsing or indexing the document.
    public static Document getDocument( File file ) throws IOException
    	Sentence2Document converter = new Sentence2Document();
        return converter.convertDocument( file );

     * This will get a lucene document from a PDF file.
     * @param url The file to get the document for.
     * @return The lucene document.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error parsing or indexing the document.
    public static Document getDocument( URL url ) throws IOException
    	Sentence2Document converter = new Sentence2Document();
        return converter.convertDocument( url );

     * This will add the contents to the lucene document.
     * @param document The document to add the contents to.
     * @param is The stream to get the contents from.
     * @param documentLocation The location of the document, used just for debug messages.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error parsing the document.
    private void addContent( Document document, InputStream is, String documentLocation ) throws IOException
        PDDocument pdfDocument = null;
            pdfDocument = PDDocument.load( is );

            if( pdfDocument.isEncrypted() )
                //Just try using the default password and move on
                pdfDocument.decrypt( "" );

            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            PDFTextStripper textStripper = new PDFTextStripper();
            textStripper.writeText( pdfDocument, writer );

            String contents = writer.getBuffer().toString();

            StringReader reader = new StringReader( contents );

            addTextField( document, "contents", reader );
            StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(contents , ". ");
            	addTextField(document, "sentence", token.nextToken());
            PDDocumentInformation info = pdfDocument.getDocumentInformation();
            if ( info != null ) {
                addTextField( document, "Author", info.getAuthor() );
                addTextField( document, "CreationDate", info.getCreationDate() );
                addTextField( document, "Creator", info.getCreator() );
                addTextField( document, "Keywords", info.getKeywords() );
                addTextField( document, "ModificationDate", info.getModificationDate() );
                addTextField( document, "Producer", info.getProducer() );
                addTextField( document, "Subject", info.getSubject() );
                addTextField( document, "Title", info.getTitle() );
                addTextField( document, "Trapped", info.getTrapped() );
            int summarySize = Math.min( contents.length(), 500 );
            String summary = contents.substring( 0, summarySize );
            // Add the summary as an UnIndexed field, so that it is stored and returned
            // with hit documents for display.
            addUnindexedField( document, "summary", summary );
        catch( CryptographyException e )
            throw new IOException( "Error decrypting document(" + documentLocation + "): " + e );
        catch( InvalidPasswordException e )
            //they didn't suppply a password and the default of "" was wrong.
            throw new IOException( "Error: The document(" + documentLocation + ") is encrypted and will not be indexed." );
            if( pdfDocument != null )

     * This will test creating a document.
     * usage: java pdfparser.searchengine.lucene.LucenePDFDocument &lt;pdf-document&gt;
     * @param args command line arguments.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error.
    public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
        if( args.length != 1 )
            String us = Sentence2Document.class.getName();
            System.err.println( "usage: java " + us + "<pdf-document>" );
            System.exit( 1 );
        System.out.println( "Document=" + getDocument( new File( args[0] ) ) );


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