
Or you can purchase the Book "Lucene in Action"
You will find the t.o.c and some sample chapters here http://lucenebook.com

Have a nice day

 --- Sven

Le mercredi 31 mai 2006 à 13:32:45, vous écriviez :

AKY> http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/gettingstarted.html

AKY> Regards,
AKY> Amaresh

AKY> -----Original Message-----
AKY> From: saikrishna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
AKY> Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:52 PM
AKY> To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
AKY> Subject: Re : good link to start working on Lucene

AKY> Hai ,
AKY>         I am completly new to lucene.And unfortunatly I couldn't find good
AKY>         site to start working with Lucene.
AKY>         Can some suggest me good link to work on Lucene ( relevent
AKY>         to Indexing and searching )

AKY> regards,
AKY> Saikrishna.

 Sven                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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