On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 10:55 +1000, Daniel Noll wrote:
> Erik Hatcher wrote:
> > 
> > On Jun 4, 2006, at 5:57 PM, karl wettin wrote:
> >> I was thinking it could be nice if the query parser handled aliases by
> > 
> > Rather than hacking QueryParser, simply do some regex replaces on the 
> > string before handing it to parser.  n:karl would get replaced with 
> > name:karl.  ([a-z]*)\: replaced with the field name that matches $1.
> It seems a little more elegant to extend from QueryParser in this 
> situation.  Override getFieldQuery which gets passed the field name 
> string, and all you'd have to do is call the method in the superclass 
> after modifying the field name.

There is a problem with this. Java does not allow multiple inheritance
and there are other subclasses of QueryParser. Perhaps I can fix it with
a decorator instead.

Thanks for the ideas!

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