All sorted now. Of course, if I can loop through the properties of a bean to add them as fields to the document, then I can certainly do the same at query time to build the MultiFieldQueryParser. All done and working great.

Thanks for all your comments.

digby wrote:
Basically, I've got a small app which allows me to update fields in bunch of mysql tables using Hibernate. As I save each bean, I'm want to add it to the lucene index aswell. However, I want the app to be as generic as possible and at the moment it doesn't care what the bean is, as long as there's a hibernate mapping, it will understand what to do.

When the user is searching for the bean, I want them to be able to search over all the fields, but a) there will be lots of beans in the index with many different fields (so I can't know which ones to search for), and b) the user won't necessarily know the field names (so they can't specify them).

Having said that, I've just realised I could loop through all the properties defined in the hibernate mapping document and build up a MultiFieldQueryParser, but just concatenating all the bean's properties into a single field still seems like the easiest option (as well as having the proper fields so they can search if they know the field name).


Michael D. Curtin wrote:
Not sure if I understand exactly what you want to do, but would the "<field>:<keyword>" syntax that QueryParser understands work for you? That is, you could send query text like

    f1:foo f2:foo f3:foo

to search for "foo" in any of the 3 fields. If you need boolean capabilities you can use parentheses, like so:

    +(f1:foo f2:foo f3:foo) +(f1:bar f2:bar f3:bar)

to mean "foo in some field, and bar in some field", or

    +(f1:foo f1:bar) +(f2:foo f2:bar) +(f3:foo f3:bar)

"foo or bar in all fields".

Would this work for ya?


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