: But what if that word is present in other fields also.
: does "docFreq " only look into that particular field ??

docFreq tells you the frequency of a term, a term is a field and a value
-- if you want the counts of a value across multiple fields, you'll have
to add them up yourself.  (or make a field that contains the union of all
the other fields)

: > : From: vipin sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: > : Reply-To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
: > : To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
: > : Subject: Getting count on distinct values of a field.
: > :
: > : Hi,
: > : i am having problem in getting the count on distict values of a field.
: > The
: > : reason for getting this value is that, each of all documents in index
: > : belongs to one predefined class and i want to get the number of
: > documents
: > : belonging to each class.
: > :
: > : Regards..


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