It's the Analyzer you're passing into the QueryParser.
StandardAnalyzer turns "C++" into "c".  You can change the .jj grammar
to fix this.  (same for "C#")

On 6/14/06, Joe Amstadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm trying to do a search on ( Java PHP C++ ) with
lucene 1.9.  I am using a MultiFieldQueryParser to
parse with StandardAnalyzer. Before I parse the string
I clean up the search string and it looks like this (
Java PHP C\+\+ ).  The query is only searching on "c"
and not "c++" any ideas as to what I am doing wrong at
this point would be great.

MultiFieldQueryParser mfqp = new
MultiFieldQueryParser( str_arr_fields, analyzer );


        System.out.println( "String Before Clean Up --> " +
str_search_value );
        String str_clean_search = stringCleanUp(
str_search_value );                             //Escape these special chars +
- && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \
        System.out.println( "String After Clean Up --> " +
        Query query = mfqp.parse( str_clean_search );
        System.out.println( "Search Query --> " +
query.toString() );
        bq_query.add( query, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST );

}catch( ParseException pe_error ){



String Before Clean Up --> Java PHP C++
String After Clean Up --> Java PHP C\+\+
Search Query --> ( search_text:java title:java ) (
search_text:php title:php ) ( search_text:c title:c )

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