I have common index which is shared by 6 application server through nfs.
I use only one instance to maintain the index. other instances shares
the index with readpnly nfs share so that I make sure the search
instances does not corrupt the index. I do the index optimization
everyday at 6:00 at that time I get the FileNotFoundException from the
search log of the other instances.
I can imagine the problem like when the optimzation happens on the index
at the same time some IndexSearcher is object is created for the search
but before search is invoked the IndexWriter optimized the file so the
segment list there on the IndexSearcher object is not there.
Can anybody suggest how to avoid this problem and concurrently access in
the index accroos the network at the same time maintaining the index.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Regards
Supriya Kumar Shyamal
Software Developer
tel +49 (30) 443 50 99 -22
fax +49 (30) 443 50 99 -99
artnology GmbH
Milastr. 4
10437 Berlin
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