Hi Otis,

well if i have to such a query I need a "dummy" value. To point that
out a bit more in detail...
A xml document has "n" mandatory elements described by a schema or
dtd. Some of the could have empty values. Would it make any difference
to the index / searching  if I just index an empty string?! Well I
guess not, to index an empty string feels good for me to have all
fields in every document. This tiny little disc space does not matter
I guess.

Is that true so far?!

regards Simon

On 7/31/06, Otis Gospodnetic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Simon,

If you want to be able to run a "give me all documents that have an empty field F", then 
you'll actually have to stuff a "dummy" value when no real value for field F is present.  
If you have an index schema, perhaps that's a good place to add a 'defaultValue'-type attribute 
with that dummy value.  Perhaps Solr already has something like this, I'm not sure.


----- Original Message ----
From: Simon Willnauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 8:22:57 AM
Subject: Index empty fields


I do have a question about fields with empty content should be added
to the document / index or not. I do have a index schema, which
defines all field a document can have. if one of the real documents
has no content for a certain field. should that field be added to the
index or not.
Would it make any difference at all?

regards Simon

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