I should say not exactly, the temporary solution I made is that, I always copy the existing index to different directory run the modification or optimization task and then copy back, somethign like flip flop mechanism..

current index <-- searcher
copy to --> temp index <-- run optimization
temp index <-- switch searcher, so searcher pomits to temtp index
copy back --> current index <-- swicth back the searcher  again

This is somehow the critical issue and there is some promise in lucene saying that the locking mechanism will be much more sophisticated in future release.


WATHELET Thomas wrote:
Have you solved thisproblem?
-----Original Message-----
From: Supriya Kumar Shyamal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 01 August 2006 16:30
To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: FileNotFoundException

I think its a directory access synchronisation problem, I have also posted about this before. The scenario can be like this ..

When Indexwriter object is created it reads the segment information from the file "segments" which nothing but list of files with .cfs or mayn more type, at teh same time IndexSearcher object is created which also make a list of index files from segements file, then you invoke the some write operation which triggers the index pemrging, fragmenting etc started haoppening and it modifies the file list in the segments file, but still we have the IndexerSearcher object with old file list and probably that throws the FileNotFoundExcpetion becuase physically the file is not there.

May be I am wrong but I try to put some light on this issue.

I posted the similar problem with subject "FileNotFoundException: occurs during the optimization of index", I am also experiencing the similar problem when the index optimization task runs on the index and parallally search function is also running.


WATHELET Thomas wrote:
I'm sure that it's the good location.
When the index process is finished then I can access the index.
I know why but I don't know how to solve it.
When I indexing a lot of file with the extension cfs are created and
after few second the file are merge in an other file
I have a file with this name _8df.cfs and after few second this file
disappeared (because it merged with an other file with a new name) so
the IndexSearcher can't find it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erick Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 01 August 2006 15:49
To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: FileNotFoundException

So it sounds like you're not writing the index to the place you think
are. Have you just looked in the directories and checked that there are
files there? If Luke can't find them, they're not where you think they
Especially if your writer had closed before you looked.


On 8/1/06, WATHELET Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's the same when I try to open the index with luke

-----Original Message-----
From: Erick Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 August 2006 15:24
To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: FileNotFoundException

two things come to mind....

1> are you absolutely sure that your reader and writer are pointing to
same place? Really, absolutely, positively sure? You've hard-coded the
into both writer and reader just to be really, absolutely positively
Or, you could let the writer close and *then* try the reader to see if
a timing issue or a path issue.

2> You say that the indexer is still open. Is there any chance it
written anything to disk? I'm not sure of the internals, but there has
some discussion that internally a writer uses a RAMdir for a while
periodically flushes the results to disk. It's possible that you're
hasn't written anything yet.....

3> (so I can't count). Have you used Luke to open your index to see if
works (and the file is in the place you expect)?


On 8/1/06, WATHELET Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For the index process I use IndexModifier class.
That happens when I try to search something into the index in the
time that the index process still running.

the code for indexing:
          System.setProperty("org.apache.lucene.lockDir", System
        File folder = new File(getIndexPath());
        Directory dir = null;
        if (folder.isDirectory() && folder.exists()) {
            dir = FSDirectory.getDirectory(getIndexPath(), false);
        } else if (!folder.isFile() && !folder.exists()) {
            dir = FSDirectory.getDirectory(getIndexPath(), true);
        } else {
            System.out.println("Bad index folder");
        boolean newIndex = true;
        if (dir.fileExists("segments")) {
            newIndex = false;
        // long lastindexation = dir.fileModified("segments");
        writer = new IndexModifier(dir, new SimpleAnalyzer(),

Code For searching:

          MultiSearcher multisearch = new
          Hits hits = this.multisearch.search(this.getBoolQuery());

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael McCandless [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 August 2006 13:45
To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: FileNotFoundException

When the indexing process still running on a index and I try to
something on this index I retrive this error message:
\\tradluxstmp01\JavaIndex\tra\index_EN\_2hea.fnm (The system
the file specified)

How can I solve this.
Could you provide some more context about your application or a
test case that shows the error happening?  This sounds likely to be
locking issue.


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Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Regards

Supriya Kumar Shyamal

Software Developer
tel +49 (30) 443 50 99 -22
fax +49 (30) 443 50 99 -99
artnology GmbH
Milastr. 4
10437 Berlin


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