I noticed the scoring formula in the errata of book "Lucene in Action" is a 
little different from the one in Javadoc. I enclosed the one in Javadoc at the 
end of email. getBoost(t in q) is in Javadoc's formula (which I assume is the 
correct one), but not in "lucene in action". Any idea? We need to re-implement 
the scoring in our application. What I understand is for each term in query, we 
should multiply the indexing boost( the boost manfully added while indexing) 
with the query boost, and with term frequency, lengthnorm, idf. So the formula 
in Javadoc makes more sense to me. Please correct me if I am wrong. Totally new 
to Lucene.
Appreciate your help,



      score(q,d) =
     Σ ( tf(t in d) * idf(t)^2 * getBoost(t in q) * getBoost(t.field in d) * 
lengthNorm(t.field in d) )   * coord(q,d) * queryNorm(sumOfSqaredWeights)  
      t in q  


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