KEGan wrote:

I have read that *Andrzej Bialecki *mentioned that he would release new
version of Luke based on Lucene 2.0.0 soon. URL here ...
Anyone has any idea if it has been released ?

Andrzej, if you are reading this, could you please let us know :) Thanks.

It should be fairly straightforward to do it yourself. Compiling Luke against Lucene 1.9.1 shows it only uses 4 deprecated calls:

1. Field(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean,boolean,boolean,boolean)
2. IndexReader.delete(int)
3. IndexReader.delete(Term)
4. Analyzer.tokenStream(Reader)

For the first one, replace the booleans with the appropriate Field.Store and File.Index values.

The delete call has simply been renamed to deleteDocuments.

Analyzer.tokenStream now requires a field name.

Then replace the Lucene jars in the lib directory with 2.0.0 and you should be able to build a compatible version of Luke.


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