: Oh boy, how embarrassing for me.  I have never used any unit tests...I
: know I know...don't freak out people :)  I pretty much just started
: really coding in Java.  So, is there anyone out there who has time to
: help me add these to the code?  I would appreciate it and, on the plus
: side, the code will be better tested for the community.

Writing unit tests is a lot easier then it sounds .. especially if you are
writting them as they are ment to be: test of small "units" of code.

take al ook at some of the existing Filter tests, they should give you a
good idea of how to write a test...


..the ideal thing is to not only test the expected "good" cases, but
also any cases where you expect an error to be generated -- not exactly
common in a TokenFilter, but it would be a good idea for example to test
what your Filter does when given plain text (ie: not an email address)


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