Hi Mathias

I delved a bit further in the lucene docs and the book "Lucene in
action" (Ch 6.1, pp194-201): an alternative approach may be the use of
a custom sort with a dedicated implementation of the
SortComparatorSource, taking as arguments the array of vectors for
which a "distance" needs to be calculated.

As a custom sort operates on a single field, the three Lire vectors
should be encoded in a single fields as well (as far as I understand
the API).

The query could then be the MatchAllDocsQuery query (or for example a
keyword query for having a subset) combined with other filters which
limit the result to sort on even further.

I do not know the impact on performance though, this is still pure
theoretical and based on my (currently limited) understanding of
Lucene and Lire.

Best regards


On 8/8/06, Mathias Lux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm working in my spare time on Lire, a content based image retrieval
library (searching for similar looking images in other words, see
http://www.semanticmetadata.net/lire) based on Lucene.

As the cbir features are medium sized integer vectors I put them into
fields, and read them with the IndexReader within a linear search
through the whole index for matching: As soon as a query is issued
(which is also an integer vector) I go through every doc, get the
corresponding feature vector and calculate the distance (L1 or L2,
depending on the type of feature).

Do you have any idea if and how I could implement a linear search (L1/L2
distance on integer vectors) using scorers, so that filters and other
features can be used?


ps. Yes I know that this is in general easy to implement within a
database, which I have done for oracle, mysql and derby .... but people
do want the lucene implementation and believe it or not: Lucene is super
 fast for linear search -> THX to the lucene team ;)

    '   '    '
      '   '    '     Mathias Lux
 o/          '  \o   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 /-'            -\   skype://dermotte, icq # 1988617
/\               /\  http://www.SemanticMetadata.net

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