Thanks for the response Erik! You make a good point. I have the 'Lucene in
Action' book, and it has some good ways of doing things...its at work now (I
am away for 3 weeks), thats the only bad thing :-(

On 8/23/06, Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 5:18 PM, Mag Gam wrote:
> So, when working with Tomcat, for a simple Index + Search, it is
> recommend
> to use JSP over servlets?
> any advice?

No such recommendation would ever officially come from the Lucene
community.  Lucene is entirely independent of how search results get
rendered.  The demo application is nothing more than a demonstration,
not a recommendation of technologies to use around Lucene.

Whatever technologies best fit your environment is what I'd
recommend :)   I've used all types of technologies on top of Lucene,
from a servlet, to JSP pages, Struts, Tapestry (what
uses) to now using Ruby on Rails  backed by Solr (which fronts Lucene
with servlets).


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