I have a design question. Here is what we try to do for indexing:
We designed an indexing tool to generate standard MeSH terms from medical 
citations, and then use Lucene to save the terms and citations for future 
search. The information we need to save are:
a) the exact mesh terms (top 10)
b) the score for each term
so the codings are like
for the top 10 MeSH Terms
 myField=Field.Keyword("mesh", mesh.toLowerCase());
end for
as you could see we generate all the terms under named field "mesh". If I 
understand correctly, all the fields under the same name would eventually  save 
into one field, with all the scores be normalized into filed boost. In this 
case, we wouldn't be able to save separate score, so the information is lost. 
Am I correct? Is there anyway we could change it? I understand Lucene is for 
keyword search, and what we try to do is Controlled Vocabulary search, Any 
other tool we could use?

Thank you,

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