: does not pour affinity information into the score - i.e. both doc1 and doc2
: in your example would get the same score, and the SpanFirstQurey would only
: allow you to limit the set of returned documents - Hoss, do you agree with
: this?

Oh ... hmmm ... i think you're right.  SpanScorer scores smaller spans
higher, and I keep thinking that SpanFirst to create Spans that include
the "0" position but you just reminded me that it doesn't (i discovered
that when writting some test cases for SpanScorer.explain) ... it just
returns the Span of the nested query

I recall thinking that it would be really easy to add a boolean arg to
SpanFirstQuery that would make the Span start at 0 to change that behavior
... but i never tried it because i don't personally use Spans so i
couldn't really judge if it was worthwhile/effective ... not to mention i
had bigger fish to fry.


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