Sorry if this is a re-post, but I got an "undeliverable" error last time I
tried to post it, something about SPAM. The nerve of that filter!

I don't have my book handy, but you might want to check out "Lucene In
Action". There's an example of how to create an index of restaurants and
execute a query that orders the responses by the distance to the closest

I think a similar technique (although proabably an easier implementation)
could apply to your problem. Unfortunately, I don't remember the details
well enough to say much more....

Could you accomplish this by implementing your own sort? I have no real idea
whether that's applicable, but it did occur to me......

Not much help, but a start <G>.


On 10/4/06, KEGan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Chis.

After spending half a day to "really" look into FunctionQuery (and related
classes), and re-reading about Weight and Scorer. I think I am beginning
understand a bit. But more questions.

(1) Should values returned by DocValues (return from ValueSource) must
always betwen 1.0 and 0.0 ? How is this value affect the overall document
scores, assuming there are others Query clauses as well that is perform on
the document (on other fields).

(2) The documentation on the following functions is extremely lacking (no
matter where I looked). Any expert here can help out ?

-- Weight.getValue() : what values should be returned for
-- Weight.sumOfSquareWeights() : no idea what is this for???
-- Weight.normalize() : still no idea
-- Scorer.score() : should this value always between 1.0 and 0.0 ?


On 10/4/06, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : >From my searches, there seems to be a FunctionQuery in Solr that can
> this
> : type of query. But I am using pure Lucene, and trying to port Solr
> over
> : (to create my own version of FunctionQuery) looks too complicated
> because of
> : code dependency on other Solr code such as ValueSource, etc.
> ValueSource isn't relaly "other Solr code" .. it's an inherient part of
> FunctionQuery (hence it's in the same package).
> You should be able to use everything in the
> package as is without any other Solr
> : I have also search on how to write my own query instance, but there is
> lack
> : of documentation on doing so. The formula to calculate the number
> proximity
> : is quite trivial. But how to stitch together Query, Weight, Scorer is
> the
> : problem :(
> Check out the package documentation for,
> particularly section #3 "Changing the Scoring" ...
> -Hoss
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