Many thanks to Erik and Ollie for responding - a lot of ideas and I'll have
my work cut out grokking them properly and thinking about what to do.
I'll respond further as that develops.

One quick thing though - Erik wrote:

> So, I wonder if your out of memory issue is really related to the number
> of requests you're servicing. But only you will be able to figure that
> out <G>. These problems to track down...


> I guess I wonder a bit about what large result sets is all about. That
> is, do your users really care about results 100-10,000 or do they just
> want to page through them on demand?

No they don't want that. They just want a small number. What happens is
they enter some silly query, like searching for all stories with a single
common non-stop-word in them, and with the usual sort criterion of by date
(ie. a field) descending, and a limit of, say 25.

So Lucene then presumably has to haul out a massive resultset, sort it, and
return the top 25 (out of 500,000 or whatever).

Isn't that how it goes? Or am I missing something horribly obvious.


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