I'm not really sure what an approach like this gaines you ... it provides
a mechanism for ensuring that the lat/lon of all results are within a
bounding box arround your start location -- but those bounding boxes
are fixed when building your index.

couldn't you achieve the same thing using a "lat" field, a "lon" field
and two RangeFilters? ... except now you get variable sized/centered
bounding boxes?

: Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 07:42:29 -0800
: From: Dennis Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Reply-To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
: To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
: Cc: spamsucks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Subject: Re: Sorting on distance from a long/lat
: Hi,
: I apologize if this is slightly off topic.  I have not implemented this, but
: the idea came to me after reading another post about measuring distance in
: lucene.  It may be completely impractical, however it seems it COULD work at
: least if the area to be indexed could be constrained.
: What if you divided the earth up into lets say 100 square blocks.  Each block
: would have sides of length x1 with an area x1^2.  You could number those
: blocks 0 - 99.  Then you could divide each of those blocks into 100 blocks
: with sides of length x2 = x1 / 10 and number these 0 - 99 as well.  You could
: do this until you had blocks with sides of length xn and area xn^2.
: Each one of these blocks would have four corners with a lat and lon.  It would
: be fairly easy to tell if one block were in another block.  It should be
: fairly easy to tell which set of boxes any lat, lon pair belonged to.
: It seems then you could specify locations almost like IP addresses:
:    X1.X2.X3...Xn
: where X1 is the 0-99 number of the first largest set of blocks and X2 is the
: 0-99 number of the next smaller set of blocks inside the first X1 box and so
: on.
: You could search in lucene for objects within a certain proximity with a
: prefix search:
:    X1.X2.*
:    X1.X2.X3.*
: Moreover you would know that the longer the path that matches, the closer
: those objects are (it is fractal in nature).  If you needed more granularity
: you could do a prefix search like this down to the smallest granularity you
: have and then perform a greatcircle distance calculation on the the results
: to see if they are close enough.
: Of course there might be too many squares to cover the whole Earth.  You will
: want to pick a number of boxes which is a power of two so there are a
: "square" number of squares.  I think this enables the fractal nature
: described above. You would want the corners of the squares to land on
: predicable lat, lon points.  This may be done more easily with some
: measurement systems than another.
: Just my $.02...
: Dennis Watson
: Sr SW Engineer
: GUBA.com
: On Monday 20 November 2006 11:05, spamsucks wrote:
: > I am successfully able to search for "nearbys" given a longitude and a
: > latitude.  The basic summary of how I do this is that I add 1000 to the
: > long/lat values and use a RangeFilter in my query.
: >
: > In my display results, I display the results ordered by distance from the
: > original long/lat.  What I do is calulate the distance for every document
: > in my result from the original long/lat and perform a sort of the distance.
: >
: > Doing the sort this way (calculating the distances for all results
: > documents) feels like I am being inefficient and wasteful with my CPU
: > cycles.  In most cases, I am only displaying the closest 10 documents, but
: > I need to calculate the distance for all documents (potentially 1000) in
: > order to come up with the 10 closest.
: >
: > Has anyone wrestled with these questions before?  Is there another
: > approache that I can take?
: >
: > Here is my current working implementation, so you can see what I am
: > describing.  The long/lat is stored in a database that I use to build up my
: > lucene query/filters
: >
: > http://www.visitpa.com/visitpa/visitNearbyActivities.pa?type=dining&name=Co
: >lor+Me+MineThanks,Phillip
: >
: >
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