This is a *really* simplistic approach, but why not just submit all 4 or 5
queries at once ina BooleanQuery and let Lucene do all the work for you? Or
are the 4 or 5 queries such that they don't combine easily with MUST,
MUST_NOT or SHOULD in a BooleanQuery?


On 11/21/06, Luis Rodrigo Aguado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I am working in a project that, for each query from the user, builds
four or five different queries and tries to combine the results. The
first part is already working, but, as I have read that the scores from
different queries are not comparable at all among them, I am a bit stuck
in the second part. Which could be a good strategy to get a unified
score merging the results from different queries over the same index. Is
there anything already done on that?

I have searched through the list, but all I have found is threads like

that only warn about the incompatibility of scores, but not any clue
about how to solve it.




*Luis Rodrigo Aguado*

Innovation and R&D

Research Manager


#T  +34913349777

C/Pedro de Valdivia, 10

28006, Madrid, Spain

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*iSOCO** *

            intelligent software for the networked economy


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