Hi Vladimir:
I don't think you can define rowid on 'insert' operations (ie, when a
new entry in the table is created) - it's a 'hidden'/automatic field
Oracle maintains itself...
 The rowid is available on the Data Cartridge API, see this output from tests:
Insert. newval: 'chau' rowid: 'AAAP1EAAEAAAAS4AAD' on index: LUCENE.IT1

1 row created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.07

 I think that the Data Cartridge bind the code to the LUCENE.IT1
object, that is the index not the table. So the event is fired when
the index is reorganized, at this time the changes on the table are
already commited, but these are my assumptions that the Oracle engine
do ;)
 The important point is that the code summited yesterday to the Jira
is working with any DML operations on the tested tables, not optimized
for bulk operations.
 The missing callbacks entry points not implemented yet are the
operations of partitioned tables which involve re-organizations into
separate Lucene indexes, they are into the TODO list too :)
 Best regards, Marcelo.

Marcelo F. Ochoa
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