This looks correct to me.  It's good you are doing the deletes
"in bulk" up front for each batch of documents.  So I guess you
hit the error (& 5000 segments files) while processing batches
of 200 docs (because you then optimize in the end)?

Do you search this index while it's building, or, only in the
end (after optimize)?


Suman Ghosh wrote:

Below is the pseudo code of the application. A few implementation
points to understand the pseudo-code:

 - We have a home grown threadpool class that allows us to index
   multiple documents in parallel. We usually submit 200 jobs to the
   pool (2-3 worker threads usually for the pool). Once these jobs are
   finished, we submit the next set of jobs.
 - All metadata for a document comes from a Oracle database. We
   retrieve the metadata in form of an XML document.
 - The indexing routine is designed with incremental indexing in
   mind. We intend to perform full index build once and continue
   with incremental indexing from that point onwards (on the
   average 200-300 document modified/added each day).

Here is the pseudo-code. Please feel free to point out any implementation
issues that might cause the problem.

 get database connection
 get threadpool instance

 for (;;) {
     get next 200 documents (from database) to be indexed. Values
     returned are a key for the document and the metadata xml

     exit if no more document available

     // first remove the documents (to be updated) from the
     // index instead of deleting and inserting them one after
     // another
     get IndexReader instance
     for all these documents {
         use reader.deleteDocuments(new Term("KEY", document key))
     finally close the IndexReader instance

     // Now add these documents to the index
     get IndexWriter instance and
         set MergeFactor = 10
         set MaxMergeDocs = 100000
         set MaxFieldLength = 500000

     for all these documents {
         add a job to the threadpool with indexwriter instance
           and document metadata
     and wait till jobs are finished

     finally close the IndexWriter instance
 } //end for

 get indexwriter instance and
     optimize index
 finally close the IndexWriter instance

   finally close threadpool and database connection

Threadpool job:

   read individual metadata from XML and  construct a Lucene
   Document object

   Determine if there is an associated file for the document (
   usually PDF/WORD/EXCEL/PPT). If so, extract text out of that
   document and put it in a field called FULLTEXT for specific

   Use the indexwriter instance (supplied with the job) to add
   the document to the Lucene index


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