
I have a question that is probably easy to answer for many of you. I'm
using some custom Filters with Lucene, mostly imlemented by using
TermEnum/TermDocs and checking some condition.

Is it necessary to check the deleted-status of documents that the filter
includes (and never actually include deleted documents), or is this done
elsewhere ?

I'm trying to implementent an inverted version of a filter, simply by
flipping all the bits in the BitSet, after the filter has finished
processing, but this gives me "attempt to access deleted document"
errors. Maybe I've misunderstood something fundamental about filters, or
what not ;). 

Does TermDocs sometimes enumerate deleted docs, once it has been
seek()'ed to a TermEnum position ?

Øyvind S.
< Øyvind Stegard < oyvind stegard at usit uio no >
 < USIT, University of Oslo

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