StandardAnalyzer does not index pure numbers. It will index alphanumeric
tokens and numbers that are connected with one of: "_"|"-"|"/"|"."|"," If
you wish to index pure numbers you might want to add another regex to
StandardAnalyzer that recognizes a series of digits - don't forget to add
the new token type to the grammar lower in the StandardTokenizer.jj file.

- Mark

On 2/5/07, Xavier To <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for taking time to answer me. The problem is that I'm not allowed
to post code due to a confidentiality contract that I was required to sign.
I'll try to see if I can get a special permission to post code since I'm
wasting so much time trying to find the answer to this.

I tried looking for each time the query is touched and numbers are still
present in the query. I don't know if it's the analyzer, but if it was,
woundl't the numbers be cut out of the index completely ? As I said in my
1st post, they are "findable" with Lukeall. If I read right, the
FrenchAnalyzer included in lucene is supposed to be based on
StandardAnalyzer so I really fail to see what is going wrong. Might it be
the fact that the tokenizer used is Stringtokenizer and not Tokenstream ?
The numbers are tokenized, and in the returned query they are present....

I really don't know where they get zapped out of existence...

Thanks again for helping.

Xavier Tô
Bacc. en Informatique et Génie Logiciel


Hard to tell without seeing any code.  Perhaps numbers are being removed
from the query string
during search.
Make sure the same or at least "compatible" Analyzer is used during both
indexing and querying.
Grab the code from Lucene in Action .... hm, may be down at
the moment, but
that's where you can get the code normally.  The code includes some
classes that let you run
a query string through a set of Analyzers and see how each of them behaves
and what it does
to a query.


----- Original Message ----
From: "To, Xavier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 12:21:27 AM
Subject: Problem with a search engine

Hi, I recently started an internship and I've been asked to fix their
search engine so numbers are searched. At first, I thought it was the
Analyzer that wasn't working right, but we're using StandardAnalyzer and
the numbers are indexed (I checked with Lukeall). Then I thought they
are not tokenized during the search, but they are. They just seem to be
ignored for some reason. Did anyone experienced something similar ? If
so, how can I fix this ? It's probably something that would jump in my
face if it was alive, but I just can't see it. Can anyone help me ? It
would be very much appreciated.

Xavier T�
D�veloppement - Maintenance & �volution
AXA Canada Tech
2020, rue University, bureau 700
Montr�al(Qu�bec)H3A 2A5
T�l. :  (514) 282-6817, poste 2224
T�l�c. :  (514) 282-6017

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