>>most of the body text is the same, but I want to group them all under one result.

I created this analyzer class to identify content that was "mostly similar" but not necessarily identical.

If you feed a small set of documents through it (say your search results) it will only emit tokens for sequences of words that it hasn't seen before. Documents that have significantly more tokens going into NovelAnalyzer than coming out of NovelAnalyzer are near-duplicates


sdeck wrote:
I run Nutch and get a whole slew of articles and when I display search
results, there may be 5-6 articles that have different titles, and most of
the body text is the same, but I want to group them all under one result. These are usually AP articles that all newspapers repurpose.

When using the MoreLikeThis functionality, the articles that are returned
may or may not be similar. When I run the query, the scores returned can
range from .1 to .4 for the first 2 hits and it usually will return around
50 results, with the last score coming in fairly close to 0. Usually, the
first hit is the exact same article as what I am trying to determine related
articles for.  I know that the score value has no real meaning though,
because it is done based upon the query, and other factors and then

So, should I be taking (hit score/1) to use as a percentage value to see
what other articles might be similar after that first hit? Try and normalize
the similarity basically? Am I off my rocker?

Or, is there possibly a way to use Carrot2 to find related articles for a
given document?


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