"maureen tanuwidjaja" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "The only simple workaround I can think of is to set maxMergeDocs to
> keep all segments "small".  But then you may have too many segments
> with time.  Either that or find a way to reduce the number of unique
> fields that you actually need to store."
>   It is not possible for me to reduce the number of fields needed to
>   store...
>   Could you recommend what is the maxMerge value that is small enough to
>   keep all segment small?
>   I also would like to ask wheter, if optimize is successful,will it then
>    perform faster  searching significantly compared to the  unoptimized
>   one?

I think you'd need to test different values for your situation.  Maybe
try 66,000 which will give you ~ 10 segments at your current number of

>   I have the searching result in 30 to 3 minutes, which is actually quite
>    unacceptable for the "search engine" I build...Is there any 
>   recommendation on how faster searching could be done? 

I think you'll need to turn off norms.  I expect alot of the slowness is
in loading the large norms files for the first time.


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