You can either use KeywordAnalyzer with your QueryParser which will correctly handle UN_TOKENIZED fields, but that will use KeywordAnalyzer for all fields.

To use a field specific Analyzer you either need to use PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper and preload it with all possible fields and use that as the Analyzer for QueryParser. Alternatively, override QueryParser's getFieldQuery() and then choose your Analyzer there based on the field being searched.


Ryan O'Hara wrote:
Hey Erick,

Thanks for the quick response. I need a truly exact match. What I ended up doing was using a TOKENIZED field, but altering the StandardAnalyzer's stop word list to include only the word/letter 'a'. Below is my searching code:

String[] stopWords = {"a"};
            StandardAnalyzer sa = new StandardAnalyzer(stopWords);
            QueryParser qp = new QueryParser("symbol", sa);
            Query queryPhrase = qp.parse(symbol.toUpperCase());
            Hits hits =;
            String hit;
            if(hits.length() > 0){
                hit = hits.doc(0).get("count");
                count = Integer.parseInt(hit);

Is the reason it wasn't working due to the fact that I'm passing in a StandardAnalyzer? I thought that maybe the searching mechanisms would be able to use or not use an analyzer according to what the field.index value is.

One other question that you may have an answer to: I'm eventually going to need to alter the stop word list to include all default stop words, except those that match certain criteria. Can this be done?


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