Use Lucener's tend to be more practically oriented!  :-)

For some reason, the application of zipf's law comes to mind, whereby you could look at the most commonly occurring words and mathematically deduce which ones are "too" common, but where your cutoff is still may be difficult to choose. You will always have the balance between losing some information and shrinking the index, etc.

Google Scholar search for "zipf's law +stopwords" yields: http:// which looks like it holds promise (but I admit I didn't read beyond the abstract) as it has references to old approaches for the same task, plus a "new" approach.

Good Luck and if you find something that works well, we would love to have it contributed back!


On May 11, 2007, at 1:53 AM, Lukas Vlcek wrote:


Thanks for your comments!

I was thinking that there could be some method based on frequency and
linguistic research. So far it seems that manually choosen set of words is
very common approach but this leaves some questions opened in my mind.
I am not a native english speaker but I think that this ( makes sense, but for my native language ( this can be questionable
in some cases (especially in case of specific corpus).

What I am searching for is some authomatic method of stop words extraction based on given set of documents. I don't expect such method to be 100% exact
but I would expect it to be ~good enough~.

I will try to search in citeseer as well (was hoping somebody could give me
some references of this kind).


On 5/11/07, Otis Gospodnetic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There is a handy class in contrib/misc.../ that will show you the most
frequent terms in an index. Handy dandy.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simpy --  -  Tag  -  Search  -  Share

----- Original Message ----
From: Lukas Vlcek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:39:35 PM
Subject: Stop words (how to create ideal set of stop words?)


Can anybody point me to some references how to create an ideal set of stop words? I konw that this is more like a theoretical question but how do Luceners determine which words shuold be excluded when creating Analyzers for a new languages? And which technique was used for validation of stop
word lists in current Analyzers?

More specificaly I am interested in situations when there is a need to
a search engine around specific corpus (for example when we need to search set of articles related to programming languages only). Given a specific
corpus is there any recommended technique of stop words derivation?


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Grant Ingersoll
Center for Natural Language Processing

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