As luck would have it, I've done something very similar. What I had
to do is index a special token at the end of each page. Then I could
get the term offsets for each page....

Then I used one of the SpanQuery.getSpans to get all of the
offsets of the hits throughout all of the pages.

now I have a list of all the offsets of the *last* term on each
page and a list of the offsets of the hits. From these two
lists I can know which pages have hits.


On 5/23/07, Andreas Guther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


If a search returns a document that has multiple fields with the same
name, is there a way to filter only those fields that contain hits?


I am indexing documents and we store all content in our index for
display reasons.  We want to show only those pages containing hits.  My
first implementation was saving each page in a Lucene document.  For
performance reasons why are now looking into indexing the complete
indexed document as a single Lucene document.

Every page is added to a field in the Lucene document named
page-content.  That means I am ending with as many fields named
page-content as the document has pages.

My search now returns me a single Lucene document in contrary to my
first approach with page per Lucene document.  My problem right now is:
how can I limit the returned page-contents fields for pages to those
field entries that contain hits.  If I have hits on pages five pages
from a document with 10 pages I would like to have only the pages with
the hits, not all.

Is there anything in Lucene that limits the returned fields to fields
with hits only?

Thanks in advance,


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