Hi Hoss,

I had tried with Explaination but didn't get the desired results.Can you
give me the brief demo code based on the result order by the no of matching
terms .


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Hostetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <java-user@lucene.apache.org>
Sent: 16, 06, 2007 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: Lucene Search result (scoring )

> the "explain" method on a Searcher, and the Explanation classes can
> explain everything baout how/why a particular document in a particular
> index gets a particular score for a particular search.  The only tricky
> thing about it is understanding that it refers to the "raw" scores (what
> you seem to be quoting look like "normalized" scores from the Hits class,
> but if your cheif concern is the relative order of hte results this is
> largely irrelevent)
> When looking at the Explanation info, many of the terms may not make a
> lot of sense .. this is where the scoring.html document can fill in the
> gaps and explain the explaination...
> http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/scoring.html
> -Hoss
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