stop writing
scp index to another computer
play with it
scp indexModified to the server
mv indexModified indexCurrent

all done. mv is atomic.

Jens Grivolla a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have a Lucene index with a few million entries, and I will need to
> add batches of a few hundred thousand or a few million additional
> entries.  Unfortunately, I absolutely need to have all indexed entries
> available when inserting a new one, even within one batch, in order to
> do some duplicate detection (using Lucene).
> I believe this means having to close the writer and reopen the reader
> to reflect the changes after each add.  I'm thinking of having the
> original index remain static and add the new entries to a separate
> index and merge the two later on.  I can even query them separately
> during the batch insertion if that gives me better performance.
> The questions:
> How costly is merging two big indexes?
> When / how often do I need to call optimize() on the new index?
> Should I just keep MergeFactor at the default value?
> If I have autoCommit=true, I can keep the writer open, but still need
> to flush() and reopen readers to reflect the changes, right?
> Is it better to have a MultiReader on both indexes or query them
> separately so I don't have to reopen the old one every time?
> Additional info:
> Documents are very short, just a few words each.  I have  4 gigs of
> RAM in the machine, of which I could allocate quite a bit as heap for
> the writer if that helps.
> Thanks for any hints on how to best go about this,
> Jens
> P.S.: all my mails to the list get silently dropped when sending
> through GMail, possibly because the sender is not the same as the
> from: header (and only the from: actually contains the subscribed
> address).  This is very annoying and makes it impossible for me to
> write to the list in many situations.
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