
Thanks for the code.

Well..I´m doing the same thing you are:

Retrieve some Doc IDs and then use the code
- Document doc=searcher.doc(sd[i].doc) - to get the Document itself.

But in this case, we are doing a search to get the IDs, and "n"
searches to get the Documents, which is not a good practice.

Is there another option of do it?


On 7/3/07, mark harwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I get the ids then I do look the items in the database using select item.* 
from item where in ( ids )

Hmm. That's likely to confuse the already confused :)
The ids referred to so far are Lucene internal document ids and are typically 
only meaningful to Lucene during a single IndexReader session. I wouldn't 
recommend storing them in a database because a Lucene document id can point to 
an entirely different document after deletes/updates are performed on the 
Lucene index and the IndexReader is reopened.

For the avoidance of further confusion I have extended the "main" method in my 
previous example (reposted below in full) to include examples of
1) Retrieving document content
2) Retrieving a "next" page (starting from result 11)
The values "1" and "11" used below in the calls to HitPageCollector constructor define the page start. This value is 
typically something you would get the client to pass to you e.g. note the number "10" in this URL which is used to select results from "10" onwards. Note also that this URL does not work because Google have placed a restriction on the maximum value for 
"start" - you should too.


package lucene.pagination;

import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue;

 * A HitCollector that retrieves a specific page of results
 * @author maharwood
public class HitPageCollector extends HitCollector
    //Demo code showing pagination
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        IndexSearcher s=new IndexSearcher("/indexes/nasa");
        Query q=new TermQuery(new Term("contents","sea"));

        //Retrieve page 1  (hits 1-10)
        HitPageCollector hpc=new HitPageCollector(1,10);,hpc);
        ScoreDoc[] sd = hpc.getScores();
        System.out.println("Hits "+ hpc.getStart()+" - "+ hpc.getEnd()+" of 
        for (int i = 0; i < sd.length; i++)
            Document doc=s.doc(sd[i].doc);
            System.out.println(sd[i].score +" "+doc.get("title"));

        //Example retrieve page 2 (hits 11-20)
        hpc=new HitPageCollector(11,10);,hpc);
        sd = hpc.getScores();
        System.out.println("Hits "+ hpc.getStart()+" - "+ hpc.getEnd()+" of 
        for (int i = 0; i < sd.length; i++)
            Document doc=s.doc(sd[i].doc);
            System.out.println(sd[i].score +" "+doc.get("title"));


    int nDocs;
    PriorityQueue hq;
    float minScore = 0.0f;
    int totalHits = 0;
    int start;
    int maxNumHits;
    int totalInThisPage;

    public HitPageCollector(int start, int maxNumHits)
        this.nDocs = start + maxNumHits;
        this.start = start;
        this.maxNumHits = maxNumHits;
        hq = new HitQueue(nDocs);

    public void collect(int doc, float score)
        if((hq.size()<nDocs)||(score >= minScore))
            ScoreDoc scoreDoc = new ScoreDoc(doc,score);
            hq.insert(scoreDoc);              // update hit queue
            minScore = ((ScoreDoc); // reset minScore

    public ScoreDoc[] getScores()
        //just returns the number of hits required from the required start point
            So, given hits:
            and a start of 2 + maxNumHits of 3 should return:
            or, given hits
            should return
            and so, on.
        if (start <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid start :" + start+" - start 
should be >=1");
        int numReturned = Math.min(maxNumHits, (hq.size() - (start - 1)));
        if (numReturned <= 0)
            return new ScoreDoc[0];
        ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = new ScoreDoc[numReturned];
        ScoreDoc scoreDoc;
        for (int i = hq.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) // put docs in array, working 
backwards from lowest count
            scoreDoc = (ScoreDoc) hq.pop();
            if (i < (start - 1))
                break; //off the beginning of the results array
            if (i < (scoreDocs.length + (start - 1)))
                scoreDocs[i - (start - 1)] = scoreDoc; //within scope of 
results array
        return scoreDocs;

    public int getTotalAvailable()
        return totalHits;

    public int getStart()
        return start;

    public int getEnd()
        return start+totalInThisPage-1;

    public class HitQueue extends PriorityQueue
          public HitQueue(int size)
          public final boolean lessThan(Object a, Object b)
            ScoreDoc hitA = (ScoreDoc)a;
            ScoreDoc hitB = (ScoreDoc)b;
            if (hitA.score == hitB.score)
              return hitA.doc > hitB.doc;
              return hitA.score < hitB.score;

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