What version of Lucene are you using?

As of 2.1, Lucene should remove such partially created files
immediately on hitting the OOM exception, and if somehow it failed to
do that (eg if JVM had crashed or machine running JVM crashed, etc) it
should then remove them the next time a writer is created on the

However, versions before 2.1 can leave partial files in the index
indefinitely (ie requiring manual removal).


"Harini Raghavan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a large lucene index of size 60G. We have had Out Of Memory issues
> a
> few times in the past due to which the indexing had got interrupted. This
> has resulted in a lot of .fnm, .fdt,.tmp files which don't get removed
> even
> through optimizing the index. We have data for last 90 days in the lucene
> index, but some of these index related files are older than 6-7 months.
> My
> gut feeling is they are not really used internally by the IndexSearcher.
> Can
> I go ahead and delete those older files manually?
> Thanks,
> Harini

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